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samedi 1 février 2014

Tips On Making An Exotic Perfume

By Serena Price

If one has the knack for creating good scents and perfumes, then he may actually turn this into a business because a lot of people purchase unique smelling scents. Now the first thing to know about an exotic perfume would be to know how to make use of the right ingredients and materials. Now if one is going to pursue this type of business, then try following some of these steps.

Now in order to create some solid scents, then one would be needing some essential oils that may be found in specialty stores. Now usually they could be found in health stores or stores related to that. Now one may even find some of these essential oils in some department stores or even in some supermarkets.

So the very first thing to do here would be to get a glass container that does not contain any dirt. Now just to be sure, wash the glass and make sure that there are no substances inside of the glass otherwise the smell will be affected. Now when that is done, one has to now fill the glass container up with some rubbing alcohol.

After handling the glass container, leave it somewhere else first and take a trip to the kitchen. Find a small frying pan, put it on top of the stove, and set it on a low fire. From there, pour about a tablespoon of beeswax into the pan as well as a tablespoon of almond oil into it as well and wait for the beeswax to melt.

After the beeswax has already melted, then one may already start to get creative by trying out different types of scents. Now the scent that he will end up with will actually be based on the combination of essential oils that he will be using. So he may try to use different types of essential oils in order to come up with different kinds of exotic smells.

After combining the essential oils, then start stirring the max using a wooden spoon. It is always best to use a wooden spoon as compared to a metal spoon because using a metal spoon may actually affect the mix negatively. Of course to make it exotic, then one has to add around five drops of vanilla extract.

After mixing the liquid, then the next thing to do would be to pour it into a new container that can be tightly sealed. When the blend has been put inside the container, then one has to seal it properly and let it cool. Of course the last thing to do now would be to wait until it cools down for about thirty minutes.

So if one would want to try doing this type of thing like creating an exotic perfume, then here are the steps to follow. Of course one has to be creative when it comes to smells because people are attracted by unique but nice smelling scents. So if one has the nose for this type of job, the go for it.

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