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jeudi 13 mars 2014

We've Got The Answers, You Have The Acid Reflux Questions

By John Martins

Are you locked in battle with acid reflux. Does the pain of heartburn keep you awake at night? Has your acid reflux gotten out of control? There are ways to bring acid reflux under control and to bring your life back to one of joy.

The fattier a food is, the worse the acid reflux becomes. Foods high in fat relaxes the esophageal sphincter which in turn contributes to the acid flowing in the wrong direction. They also cause you to put on weight, and overweight people have a tough time with acid reflux. Try to stay as healthy as possible with your diet.

Save your beverages for between meals, and skip them during. This can help you cope with hunger as you are going to be thirsty. In addition, not drinking during meals will prevent your stomach from expanding as much. As a result, acid is not as likely to rise up, so your acid reflux symptoms will decrease.

Smoking can cause serious problems if you suffer from reflux. Stomach acid production goes up when you smoke while saliva production goes down. Balance the benefits of quitting with the possible stress it can be on the body. Take a very conservative approach when trying to quit.

Some foods can cause an episode of acid reflux when we eat them. Some common problem foods are chocolate, alcohol, fast food, coffee, tea, or any beverage with caffeine. Additionally, citrus fruit, tomatoes and other foods with a high level of acidity can cause problems. The triggers can vary from person to person, meaning that you'll have to learn from experience which ones cause discomfort and which do not. In order to be safe, you should stay away from these foods.

Stress can trigger an attack of acid reflux. If you feel a lot of anxiety, the stomach generally creates more acid. Try to engage in relaxing activities following meals. This may be meditation, yoga, reading a book, watching television, etc.

You should consider quitting smoking if you are a sufferer of acid reflux. Nicotine can cause acid reflux to worsen. But when it is time to quit smoking, do it with some help. Cold turkey puts the body under stress and this can make your acid reflux problems worse. Instead, quitting should be a gradual effort.

You can't enjoy sleep, food, work or life in general when you are bothered by acid reflux. Stop suffering through the symptoms and get proactive about your health. By applying the advice from this article, you will be one step closer to getting your acid reflux under control.

With the helpful advice you learned here, it is time to set about changing your routine and improving your life.

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